One Pay Opportunity for Lifetime Software Access!Only Available to the Strategic Marketer Community...
Writing High Converting Sales Copy Will Never Be a Problem Again …
⚠️ Claim *Lifetime access to Copywriting Software, *Unlimited Credits,
75 DFY CopyScripts and More for Only One Payment Today!

*By Purchasing You Agree to the Terms & Conditions of Strategic Marketer's Fair Use & Lifetime Customer Policy.
Terms & Conditions Subject To Change At Any Time.

Don’t worry… if you’ve even been stuck copywriting emails, landing pages or websites for your business or even your clients … you're not alone!
You have a good idea…
You start writing angles…
And you GO BLANK.
Return down to the page keep creative writing.
Again, you GO BLANK.
*By Purchasing You Agree to the Terms & Conditions of Strategic Marketer's Fair Use & Lifetime Customer Policy.
Terms & Conditions Subject To Change At Any Time.
UH, OH...
Then the PANIC starts to set in because you have a very important client DEADLINE you have to hit!
Now you're thinking...
❓“Will they fire me?”
❓“What if they hold payment?”
❓“What if it’s not quality enough?”
Or maybe the OVERWHELM creeps up because you’re in another week struggling with messaging to attract NEW CLIENTS! Asking yourself...
❓“Can I really do this?”
❓“Why can’t I get attention?”
❓“How will I cover expenses?”
In the moment, it feels almost impossible to get out of the rut…

Don’t do what most people do…

❌ Avoid scouring the web copy & pasting concepts from peers, competitors or bigger brands in your market.
❌ Avoid rushing over to UpWork & Freelancer to hire a copy “specialist” to get best-case so-so results.
❌ Avoid creating drafts & concepts with those “gigs” for a few bucks that always turn out to be more.
Ask anyone that’s had success and you’ll quickly learn that NO ONE IS IMMUNE to the challenges of creating high conversion messaging.
Just think - messaging effects your brand and every service…
⚠️ Subject Lines
⚠️ Email Openings
⚠️ Headlines on Landing Pages or Webites
⚠️ Hooks for Paid Ads
⚠️ Call to Actions on Social Media
⚠️ Direct Messages on Social Platforms
⚠️ Voicemails to Prospects
⚠️ Follow Up Message with GateKeepers
Here’s the universal bottom line…
In all marketing you only have seconds to get attention with the correct messaging to instigate action from your ideal customer!
We’ve developed a proven formula for marketers at all levels that helps overcome the challenges of high converting copywriting!
✅ Write Confidently with ZERO Experience!
✅ Quickly Get Un-Stuck With Tokenized Help!
✅ Follow Proven Messaging Frameworks!
✅ Simply Fill In the Blanks In Just Minutes!
✅ Strategies For Marketers & Businesses!
And we’ve automated it easier than you thought possible...

Introducing StoryScripts Unlimited:
Finally, Sales & Conversion Copywriting Made Easy...

🚀 No Limits: Quickly Create Sales Copy for Websites, Funnels, Webinars, Sales Calls, Emails, VSLs, and More!
🚀 Minutes, Not Hours: Follow a proven formula in minutes without the hassle of hours of wasted research!
We Are Unlocking EVERYTHING!
Unlimited Unlock - Drafts, Scripts & Templates!
Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to unlock unlimited Story Scripts credits with your lifetime access!
We are unlocking your access to the entire token vault to help you quickly & easily build or edit your sales messaging!
Plus... The Entire DFY Template Library!
And... Step by Step Training!
3-Part Masterclass Series
Don't Forget... Upgrades
Advanced Sales Hacking Strategies & Automation Upgrades
Every script is easily accessible inside your story scripts software right from your phone! Use your scripts everywhere you need them! Client calling while your away from your desk? Open up your phone scripts and know exactly the right words to say!
Immediately use the power of Story Scripts to scape any website and instantly use it as the basis for your next Story Script template! You can even scrape high-converting youtube video sales letters instantly!
Unlock the power to instantly re-write any story script with the click of a button! Our story-rewrite module will quickly make any script 100% unique automatically!

Timothy G.
"I really love the Story Scripts... it comes out pretty darn Amazing."

Mike L.
I want to give a shout out.. awesome work on the Story Scripts. I'm blown away!"

Bobbie N.
"OMGoodness! ...
Strategic Marketer Team - you have outdone yourselves!"

James S.
"Story Hacking is so much fun! Today I was experimenting with opening statements... Afterwards, I decided to put the AMPS FORMULA"

Cari A.
"David’s new strategy is brilliant! I hacked an email copy from a high-paid sales copywriter in 30 minutes to use for a different offer and niche. It’s simple, yet powerful!"
Unlock Lifetime Access & Bonuses...


Terms & Conditions Subject To Change At Any Time.