Create High Converting Sales Copy, That Helps You Get More Clients With Zero Marketing Or Copywriting Experience

Offer Expired

THREE Days...
You will be well on the road to inventing your own script ideas, have a deep grasp of the story scripts software, and understand the exact steps to take to sell copywriting services if you so choose!
✅ LIVE Q & A Sessions With Story Hacking Experts!
✅ Learn From World Copywriters & Story Hackers
✅ Receive Access To On-Demand Training Recordings!
✅ Prevent Beginner Mistakes & Learn Best Practices
✅ Walkaway Ready To Story Hack Anything!
Story Hacking Live Schedule:
➡️ DAY 1 - September 16th 2021
➡️ DAY 2 - September 23rd 2021
➡️ DAY 3 - September 30th 2021
Bonus #2 Story Script Mobile App Unlock: Use To Sell On The Phone! = $1,000 Value
Bonus #3 Story Scraping Module: Ticket To This 3 Day Live Event = $1,000 Value
Bonus #4 Instant Story Rewriting Module: Instantly Rewrite Your High Converting Copy! = $1,000 Value
Bonus #5 Funnel Pages 30 Day Trial PLUS Website: Build & Sell Funnels INSTANTLY = $ PRICELESS $
Story Hacking Module


✓ Scrape Websites & Landing Pages Instantly!
✓ Unlock Countless Opportunities To Hack Proven Sales Copy!

✓ Rewrite Sales Pages & Optins... Done
✓ Rewrite Phone Scripts... Done
✓ Done For You Websites
✓ Funnel Pages Customers Get Special Bonuses!

Timothy G.
"I really love the Story Scripts... it comes out pretty darn Amazing."

Mike L.
I want to give a shout out.. awesome work on the Story Scripts. I'm blown away!"

Bobbie N.
"OMGoodness! ...
Strategic Marketer Team - you have outdone yourselves!"

James S.
"Story Hacking is so much fun! Today I was experimenting with opening statements... Afterwards, I decided to put the AMPS FORMULA"

Cari A.
"David’s new strategy is brilliant! I hacked an email copy from a high-paid sales copywriter in 30 minutes to use for a different offer and niche. It’s simple, yet powerful!"

Bonus #2 Story Script Mobile App Unlock: Use To Sell On The Phone! = $1,000 Value
Bonus #3 Story Scraping Module: Ticket To This 3 Day Live Event = $1,000 Value
Bonus #4 Instant Story Rewriting Module: Instantly Rewrite Your High Converting Copy = $1,000 Value
Bonus #5 Funnel Pages 30 Day Trial PLUS Website: Build & Sell Funnels INSTANTLY = $ PRICELESS $

* A Strategic Marketer “lifetime” purchase allows you to access the services for the Strategic Marketer Product you purchased for as long as the Product and those services are available and supported. You may not assign Lifetime subscription plan or transfer ownership to any other person. Strategic Marketer makes no warranties as to the expected lifetime of the Product or Services, and in purchasing under a Lifetime subscription plan, you acknowledge and agree the Product and services could change or terminate in the future. Lifetime subscription pricing, will not apply if a Lifetime subscription account is terminated for any duration of time due to cancellation, non-payment, account defaults, or otherwise.